SCADIA – Expansion of Abu Dhabi International Airport
Due to rapid growth at Abu Dhabi, the Supervision Committee for the Expansion of Abu Dhabi International Airport (SCADIA) commissioned AviaSolutions to develop infrastructure options to provide fast track capacity for implementation prior to the 2005 peak summer season.
To establish the options available, we undertook:
- Passenger and apron forecasts based on future aircraft flying schedules.
- A review of capacity pinch point’s in T1 (existing terminal) and recommended quick wins to enhance capacity and quality of service.
- Originated capacity and service standard requirements for airside, terminal and landside processes including detailed space/facility specification for the overflow terminal (T2).
- Undertook a site selection for T2 including conversion of existing buildings.
- Supervised the design team to ensure that the passenger and baggage flows were optimised within the agreed quality specification.
- Provided an airline location strategy that optimised the use of the old and new facilities with stakeholder agreement.
From identification of the site, T2 was delivered within a six-month period by converting an existing building close to cargo apron infrastructure.