DfT publishes study on alternative mechanisms
The DfT today published the joint DotEcon / AviaSolutions study on alternative mechanisms for allocating new airport capacity. AviaSolutions role was to provide practical advice and focus to the study, and to manage consultation with key stakeholders including airlines, airports and industry bodies. The DfT stated that “the report provides a valuable contribution to the debate about the efficient use of infrastructure. It looks to the future and does not represent current Government policy. The Department is very grateful to all those in aviation industry who contributed to the report; in particular this has helped to give the report has a practical focus. UK Government’s position on any new slots proposal remains that we support the formalisation of secondary trading of slots between airlines as long as the conditions imposed on secondary trading are not overly restrictive. We do not expect a proposal on slots from the Commission before 2007.”
Click here to see report.