Principal consultants to the UK Department for Transport in the formulation of the 2003 Aviation White Paper setting policy for UK aviation for 30 years.
Support for BAA on its consultation for a new runway at Stansted.
Advising UK Department for Transport on alternative mechanisms for slots allocation at UK airports.
Helping Scottish Executive implement an ‘Aid of a Social Character Scheme’ to reduce air fares in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.
Four major studies for the European Commission, including advice on the financing of aviation security and air transport infrastructure issues in the EU New Member States.
Assistance for a number of airports on the implementation of their masterplans (in the context of the local development frameworks).
Analysis of competition issues for an airport group to inform potential acquisition bid.
Support for the Irish Department of Transport, Scottish Executive and Welsh Assembly Government in in PSO airline competitions. Included structuring the process to maximise competition (Ireland), supporting the PSO application to the European Commission (Wales) and evaluation of bids (all).