Lima Airport appoints AviaSolutions for Traffic Forecast
In 2019, Lima Airport Partners appointed AviaSolutions to provide comprehensive traffic forecasts for the airport.
We provided projections for passengers, cargo and Air Transport Movements (ATMs) on an annual basis to 2051, with detailed segmentation:
- Projections for a defined Design Day (average day in peak month) for passengers and ATMs.
- Projections for peak hour passenger and ATMs on that Design Day.
- Unconstrained Base Case forecasts with Upside and Downside scenarios, and probabilities for each.
- Constrained forecasts for each of the scenarios.
We also assessed the potential consequences of infrastructure capacity constraints at Lima Airport prior to the opening of new facilities in 2023, and the possibility of diversion of passengers to Pisco and Chincheros Airports in the future.
To find out more, please get in contact with one of our expert aviation consultants.