Bahrain International Airport – Review of Masterplan and Terminal Expansion Project
AviaSolutions was appointed by Bahrain Airport Company to undertake a review of the airport’s masterplan and terminal expansion project to formulate a strategic growth plan for the airport. In detail, the assignment covered the following areas:
- Review of current masterplan.
- Review of current passenger terminal expansion project in conjunction with masterplan
- Development of strategic growth plan, with focus on:
- Attracting airlines with incentive schemes.
- Diversifying airport’s business activities by setting up viable aviation-related ventures.
- Enhancing the existing business model, airport operations and peripheral services.
- A week-long consultation exercise involving all stakeholders of Bahrain International Airport.
There were a number of key deliverables for the project including:
- Recommendations on revisions to the masterplan and to the terminal expansion plan.
- Revised traffic forecasts for the airport to 2030.
- A route development strategy and marketing strategy for the airport.
- A retail development strategy for the airport.
- A review of the potential to develop ancillary income including an ‘airport city’ concept.
- A review of the structure of Bahrain International Airport.
- Consideration of financing options for future airport development.
This assignment was successfully completed within the six-week time frame set by the client.